Your Deluxe Kit Guide to Homeopathy for Pregnancy

Have the pregnancy you and your baby deserve.

When you are feeling great, pregnancy is a magical time. Homeopathy is a safe and effective way for you to feel your very best. From conception to the third trimester, the remedies in your Deluxe Family Kit give your pregnant body the gentle reminders it needs to restore perfect harmony between you and your baby and prepares you for childbirth.

Your Guide to Homeopathy for Pregnancy will show you how to best use your Deluxe Kit throughout your pregnancy. Your remedies come in micro doses making them side effect-free and perfect for both mother-to-be and baby. Get the risk-free support you and your baby need now.You owe it to yourself to enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest and give your baby the best possible start in life.

If you are in your third trimester now is the perfect time to get your Childbirth Kit.

● optimal digestive health & assimilation of food
● greater ease of movement & flexibility
● restful sleep with good, steady energy during the day
● peace & emotional well being

All our kits come with free resources
including Mary Aspinwall’s “Exploring Homeopathy” Course.

Get Relief From: Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhea, Flatulence, Hemorrhoids, Varicose veins, Nausea, Vomiting, Salivation, Indigestion, Heartburn, Back and Joint problems, Sciatica, Cramps, Anxiety, Emotional upsets, Sleep problems, Sore breasts, Cystitis, Palpitations

Inside Your Kit: 36 Homeopathic Remedies (in 30c potency) + Guide to Homeopathy for First Aid and Minor Illnesses

Aconite, Ant Tart, Apis, Arg Nit, Arnica, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calc Carb, Calendula, Cantharis, Carbo Veg, Chamomilla, China, Drosera, Gelsemium, Hep Sulph, Hypericum, Ignatia, Ipecac, Kali Bich, Lachesis, Ledum, Lycopodium, Mag Phos, Merc Viv, Natrum Mur, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Ruta, Sepia, Silica, Staphisagria, Sulphur.

“Homeopathy has been a huge blessing in my life (and my family’s life). I want to pay that blessing forward. My mission is to provide you with expert guidance on how to use Homeopathy successfully.”
Mary Aspinwall, Kit Designer and Homeopathy World Founder

Selected Customer Review:

"My headaches got worse when I became pregnant. I sometimes didn’t sleep for three or four nights in a row. I took painkillers, but they didn’t work and anyway I was reluctant to take them while I was pregnant. I took the homeopathic remedy Mary suggested (in the Deluxe Kit).
It worked in just ten minutes. Now I have no headaches."
Hortencia Magdaleno, California